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South Bay Local and Beach Enthusiast

Hey there! My name is Quinlan Rau, but you can call me Quin. I've had the great fortune of growing up in Hermosa Beach, at the center of the South Bay's beautiful beach cities, and I would like to think that I've taken full advantage of my lifelong proximity to the ocean.

I've been swimming in both the Pacific and the Atlantic since I was as young as I can remember, and started bodysurfing and boogey boarding around the same time.

When I was 10, I joined the Junior Lifeguard program in Hermosa Beach, which helped me hone the waterman's skillset that I had already begun to develop. This was also when I started surfing and completely fell in love -- just like I'm confident you will once you stand up on your first wave! I spent the next several years slowly advancing as a surfer, making every mistake in the book along the way and correcting each of them one by one through hours and hours of trail and error.

Now, I can say that I've spent the past several years working as an instructor and developing teaching methods aimed at communicating the key points of surfing technique and approach that I've gleaned over years of experience and countless hours spent in the ocean. 

By simply preventing bad habits from starting and setting out a clear, concise path of progression through the skillsets you will need to become a confident, independent surfer, I can help you cut down that learning curve significantly and hopefully save you some wipeouts in the process!






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